Wednesday, November 19, 2014

SRC 052: Vikingdom (2013)

When your sweeping fantasy epic decides to cast Thor as a villain in a ridiculous red wig, you know you've LOTR-ed your way into the Restroom...

VIKINGDOM deals with a Chosen One (a stonefaced Dominic Purcell) who embarks on a to-do list quest to take down the villainous God of Thunder (Conan Stevens) before he can wipe out Christianity once and for all and return the world to the good old days of raping and pillaging.

This foam rubber hammer mess is available for streaming on Netflix and VUDU, but as always, you're better off leaving the castle storming to us and finding somewhere else to drop of that plain gold ring.

Sitting in for Natalie Grace this week is returning guest Arthur Harkness from the Brotherhood of Evil Geeks.  Their website,, reports on all the geek related news found in movies, TV, games and comics.  You can follow them on Twitter @evilgeeks.

Our special guest this time out is social media consultant and rockstar marketeer Steph Wanamaker.  Steph is an avid cinephile who manages a number of Google + communities online, including Netflix Streaming and Ultimate Movie Geeks, which currently has over 900 members (including us), and is growing on a daily basis.

Sit back now and give a listen as Rilla, Harkness, & Knight flush you down the Cinematic Bowl with, VIKINGDOM...