Thursday, May 10, 2018

SRC 198: Transcendence (2014)

When your sci-fi cautionary tale plays more like a series of no-shit moments from far better sci-fi cautionary tales rather than its own unique drama, you know you've Skynet-ed your way into the Restroom...

TRANSCENDENCE deals with a scientist (Johnny Depp) who's fatally wounded by a cyber terrorist and has his conscience uploaded into a computer by his wife (Rebecca Hall) before he dies, thus causing numerous problems for the world.  What follows are 119 minutes of hangover acting, LAWNMOWER MAN plot mechanics, clueless characters, and actress Kate Mara decked out like a trailer park day stripper.

This AI mess is available for streaming on Amazon and YouTube, but as always, you're better off leaving this cyber turd to us and go watch TERMINATOR 2: JUDGEMENT DAY again instead.

Sit back now and give a listen as Griffin, Anger, & Knight flush you down the Cinematic Bowl with, TRANSCENDENCE...